Monday 3/31, 3p eastern, 2p central, 1p mountain, 12p pacific
Dissecting the Definition of "Healthy" with Gabby Davis, National Co+op Grocers
After arriving as the Racial Equity & Food Justice Manager of the National Co+op Grocers in January 2022, Gabby immediately saw a stark difference in the definition of "healthy" at co-ops verus in other communities she'd worked with. She became very curious about how we all think different about what it means to "eat healthy" and what "healthy foods" are and can be. This led her to ask her social media nextworks what their idea of "healthy eating" was and she received an array of responses (over 100) that served as reminders that we may be alienating our co-op's supporters and potential supporters by unconciously pushing our own definition of "eating healthy" at our co-ops. Having now offered this session dozens of times over almost three years at co-ops and conferences across the country, Gabby will educate us on why it is imeriative we critically evaluate the essages we are sharing as a co-op and why broadening our definition of "healthy" is core to making everyone truly welcoe at our food co-ops.
March 31, 2025 from 2:00 PM CDT to 3:00 PM CDT