Wednesday 3/26, 3p eastern, 2p central, 1p mountain, 12p pacific

Timelines:  Internal and External  with JQ Hannah, Food Co-op Initiative

When organizing your co-op, it is important that you, as the lead organizers, have a map of what you need to accomplish by when to get to the next stage of your co-op's development; it's also important there is a clear timeline to showing the co-op's next big steps to inform and activate the co-op's owners and broader community. Surely if you build a development timeline for your co-op with all the steps it will take to open you can use that same timeline to communicate what's going on with your owners and community, right? Nope! Or, well kind of, but it's complicated! Join us for this session to learn what the "internal" and "external" timelines are for a developing startup food co-op, what each needs to contain, what tools exist to help you build each, the different functions each serve, and how to utilize them both for your co-op's success.  

March 26, 2025 from  2:00 PM CDT to  3:00 PM CDT